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Showing posts with label EnglishRiddles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EnglishRiddles. Show all posts

Short Riddles | English Riddles #14

1. I have 100 legs but cannot stand. A long neck but no head. And I eat the maid's life.
Do you know my name? 

Short Riddles |

Long Riddles | English Riddles #13

 1. I am green when I take birth, 

But turn red in the old age, 

You ever miss me anytime, 

Brother! He goes out of control, 

Do you know my name? 

Kids English Riddles 13

Short Riddles | English Riddles #12

1. Jennifer passed away at a very Old Age on her 26th Birthday. How can this be?

Short Riddles | English Riddles #11

Questions -

1. If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?

Short Funny Q&A Riddles | English Riddles #10

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Q 1. What is full of holes but can still hold water?


Short Q&A Riddles | English Riddles #9

Questions -

Q1. What gets bigger and bigger as you take more away from it?


Short Math Riddles | English Riddles #8

Questions -

1. A little boy goes shopping and purchases 12 tomatoes. On the way home, all but 9 get mushed and ruined. How many tomatoes are left in good condition?


Short Funny Q&A Riddles | English Riddles #7

Questions -

Q 1. Why don’t famous actors and actresses sweat?


Short Q&A Riddles | English Riddles #6

Questions -

Q 1. What is green, red and yellow at the same time?

Short Q&A Math Riddles | English Riddles #5

Questions -

Q 1. How can you add eight 4s together so that the total adds up to 500?

Short Riddles | English Riddles #4

1. Frank was born in 1932 and died in 1950, at the age of 74. How can this be?


Short Riddles | English Riddles #3

1. I have many faces, expressions, and emotions and am only one tap away. What am I?

Math Riddles | English Riddles #2

1. What occurs twice in a week, once in a year but never in a day?