This is the story of Eklavya, the son of a tribal chief, a boy from the forests of the kingdom-Hastinapura, a boy who was very brave and was loved by everyone.
One day during his early childhood, his father came to him asking, "Son! Why don't you enjoy hunting and playing like other kids? Why are you so unhappy?"
"I want to be an archer. I want to learn from great Dronacharya, who is the greatest tutor of Archery in Hastinapura. I want to go to Gurukul."
His father knew that Eklavya's dream was something big and not so easy to achieve. However, he supported him and gave his blessings Eklavya started his journey and soon reached Gurukul where he wanted to meet the Guru Drona.
Eklavya started searching for the Guru. He saw many disciples were practicing to shoot arrows with their bows in the yard. The yard was surrounded by trees. He saw the Guru Dronacharya and approached him. "Dronacharya, I am Eklavya, son of the Tribal Chief in the western part of the forests of Hastinapura. Please accept me as your disciple and teach me the wonderful art of Archery.”, said Eklavya.
Drona said, "Eklavya I can't teach you because you are lower caste and I am a Royal Teacher. I can only teach Prince Arjuna and other highborn. Arjuna also insulted Eklavya and asked him to go back.
Eklavya was stunned. He never expected such behavior. He left the place with a broken heart and a bitter taste in his mouth. But he was determined to become an archer. In spite of this injustice done to him, because of his caste, he made a statue of Guru Dronacharya and started practicing in the forest every day in front of it.
Over the years, with his sincerity and practice, he became an archer with great skills even better than all the disciples of Drona. One day while Eklavya is practicing, he hears a dog barking. At first, the boy ignored the dog, but the continuous disturbance in his practice angered him. He stopped his practice and went towards the place where the dog was barking. Before the dog could shut up or get out of the way, Eklavya fired seven arrows in rapid succession to fill the dog’s mouth without injuring it. As a result, it roamed the forests with its mouth open.
In the same forest not very far, Dronacharya was also present with Arjuna and his other disciples. They saw the same dog, the Guru was amazed. He along with other Pandavas started searching for the person who shot the arrows.
Finally, they saw a man. He was none other than Eklavya. “Your aim is truly remarkable!” Drona praised Eklavya, and asked, “From whom did you learn Archery?” Eklavya was thrilled to hear Drona’s praises. How surprised he will be if he told Drona that he, in fact, was his Guru! “From you my Master. You are my Guru,” Eklavya replied humbly.
“Your Guru? How can I be your Guru? I have never seen you before!” Drona exclaimed in surprise. But all of a sudden he remembered something. He remembered an eager boy who had visited his Gurukul several months ago.” Now I remember,” said he. “Are you not the same hunter boy whom I refused admission in my Gurukul some months back?”
“Yes, Dronacharya”, replied the boy. “After I left your Gurukul, I came home and made a statue like you and worshiped it every day. I practiced before your image. You refused to teach me, but your statue did not. Thanks to it, I have become a good archer.”
Hearing this, Arjuna became angry. “But you promised me that you’d make me the best archer in the world!” he accused Drona. “Now how can that be? Now a common hunter has become better than me!”
This was a difficult time for Dronacharya. He wanted to fulfill his promise that Arjuna will be the best Archer. He asked Eklavya. "As I am your Guru, I want my Guru Dakshina?"
Eklavya replied, "Whatever you will ask I will give in return."
"I want your right-hand thumb as my Guru Dakshina.", said Drona. Without thinking twice, Eklavya drew out his knife and cut his thumb and gave it to Guru Drona! Even Arjun didn't think of this from his Guru and he also praised Eklavya's bravery.
But despite his handicap, Eklavya continued to practice archery and he was still very good in that. Guru Drona blessed Eklavya for his discipleship.
This is a true story from Mahabharat.
I hope you all love this story. If you liked this story, please let us know in the comments section below. Please like & share the story too. If you have a story in Hindi or English to share with everyone, then you can also contact us. Take care of yourself and be happy.
Thank you!!
Story By - Mythological Stories Collection
Post By - Darpan
One day during his early childhood, his father came to him asking, "Son! Why don't you enjoy hunting and playing like other kids? Why are you so unhappy?"
"I want to be an archer. I want to learn from great Dronacharya, who is the greatest tutor of Archery in Hastinapura. I want to go to Gurukul."
His father knew that Eklavya's dream was something big and not so easy to achieve. However, he supported him and gave his blessings Eklavya started his journey and soon reached Gurukul where he wanted to meet the Guru Drona.
Eklavya started searching for the Guru. He saw many disciples were practicing to shoot arrows with their bows in the yard. The yard was surrounded by trees. He saw the Guru Dronacharya and approached him. "Dronacharya, I am Eklavya, son of the Tribal Chief in the western part of the forests of Hastinapura. Please accept me as your disciple and teach me the wonderful art of Archery.”, said Eklavya.
Drona said, "Eklavya I can't teach you because you are lower caste and I am a Royal Teacher. I can only teach Prince Arjuna and other highborn. Arjuna also insulted Eklavya and asked him to go back.
Eklavya was stunned. He never expected such behavior. He left the place with a broken heart and a bitter taste in his mouth. But he was determined to become an archer. In spite of this injustice done to him, because of his caste, he made a statue of Guru Dronacharya and started practicing in the forest every day in front of it.
Over the years, with his sincerity and practice, he became an archer with great skills even better than all the disciples of Drona. One day while Eklavya is practicing, he hears a dog barking. At first, the boy ignored the dog, but the continuous disturbance in his practice angered him. He stopped his practice and went towards the place where the dog was barking. Before the dog could shut up or get out of the way, Eklavya fired seven arrows in rapid succession to fill the dog’s mouth without injuring it. As a result, it roamed the forests with its mouth open.
In the same forest not very far, Dronacharya was also present with Arjuna and his other disciples. They saw the same dog, the Guru was amazed. He along with other Pandavas started searching for the person who shot the arrows.
Finally, they saw a man. He was none other than Eklavya. “Your aim is truly remarkable!” Drona praised Eklavya, and asked, “From whom did you learn Archery?” Eklavya was thrilled to hear Drona’s praises. How surprised he will be if he told Drona that he, in fact, was his Guru! “From you my Master. You are my Guru,” Eklavya replied humbly.
“Your Guru? How can I be your Guru? I have never seen you before!” Drona exclaimed in surprise. But all of a sudden he remembered something. He remembered an eager boy who had visited his Gurukul several months ago.” Now I remember,” said he. “Are you not the same hunter boy whom I refused admission in my Gurukul some months back?”
“Yes, Dronacharya”, replied the boy. “After I left your Gurukul, I came home and made a statue like you and worshiped it every day. I practiced before your image. You refused to teach me, but your statue did not. Thanks to it, I have become a good archer.”
Hearing this, Arjuna became angry. “But you promised me that you’d make me the best archer in the world!” he accused Drona. “Now how can that be? Now a common hunter has become better than me!”
This was a difficult time for Dronacharya. He wanted to fulfill his promise that Arjuna will be the best Archer. He asked Eklavya. "As I am your Guru, I want my Guru Dakshina?"
Eklavya replied, "Whatever you will ask I will give in return."
"I want your right-hand thumb as my Guru Dakshina.", said Drona. Without thinking twice, Eklavya drew out his knife and cut his thumb and gave it to Guru Drona! Even Arjun didn't think of this from his Guru and he also praised Eklavya's bravery.
But despite his handicap, Eklavya continued to practice archery and he was still very good in that. Guru Drona blessed Eklavya for his discipleship.
This is a true story from Mahabharat.
Dear Friends!!
"This story teaches us many things. First, with your dedication, devotion, and disciple even though you have a lack of resources or training, you can become best in anything you want. Second, even though the Guru Dronacharya image was that he did wrong with Eklavya, in his situation he did the best to uplift Eklavya and also follow his law."
"This story teaches us many things. First, with your dedication, devotion, and disciple even though you have a lack of resources or training, you can become best in anything you want. Second, even though the Guru Dronacharya image was that he did wrong with Eklavya, in his situation he did the best to uplift Eklavya and also follow his law."
Thank you!!
Story By - Mythological Stories Collection
Post By - Darpan
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