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Mowgli's encounter with Sher Khan | Kid's Bedtime Story

Long time back there was a thick Jungle in India. The Jungle had many animals just like any other Jungle( Forest ) but this one was different. There was a little boy whose mother was a wolf. The boy's name was MOWGLI.


Mowgli's brothers were wolf cubs. Mowgli was an infant when he was found by the wolf in the jungle. The wolf started raising Mowgli just like her other wolf cubs. Mowgli had many other friends too. One was the bear, Bhaloo, then there was the panther, Bhagera and many of the monkey friends. Just like friends he had an enemy too, Sher Khan, the tiger. Sher Khan was always against Mowgli's living in the jungle and he always keeps looking for a chance to hurt Mowgli.

One day Mowgli was playing like every day in the jungle. Suddenly his friend Bhaloo came started running towards him. "Mowgli, Beware of SherKhan ! He has announced in the jungle that he is going to kill you", said Bhaloo. Mowgli didn't feel scared at all. He had a plan in his mind.

The next day Mowgli gathered eight wild bulls with very sharp and longhorns. Mowgli explained the plan to the bulls. Mowgli's plan was to counter-attack using bulls. The bulls would be charging from the top of the mountain and will run down towards Sher Khan with full power. Soon the bulls ran down the slope with strong charge. Sher Khan heard the noise of racing bulls towards him. He wanted to run but it was very late. The bulls had the tiger and Sher Khan was dead.

The bulls ran down the slope, kicking up huge amounts of dust. Sher Khan looked up hearing this thunderous noise. He saw the bulls hurtling towards him; he tried to turn and run but before he knew it the bulls were on top of him. The bulls pierced Sher Khan with their horns and flung him with the momentum of their run. Sher Khan was hurled and flung to his death.


Dear Kids!!
"You might be smaller than your enemy but don't be afraid. Think properly and make a good strategy. You will be able to beat him if you have the courage."

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Thank you!!

Story By - Rudyard Kipling ( The Jungle Books )
Post By - Darpan

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