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The Tale of Sona and Uday | The Strange Decision | Vikram Betal
King Badsa and His Son | Vikram Betal
Long long ago, there was a king named Badsa. He was a great ruler and everyone loved him except his own son named Agni.
Agni was wicked and evil. Unlike his father, he had darkness in his heart and even Kind Badsa knew about this. One day during court time, Agni entered the room and announced, "I am ready to take over the throne. I want you to step down my father and give me your throne. If not be ready for the consequences as I will form an army to overthrow you."
माँ-बेटी के बच्चों में क्या रिश्ता हुआ? | 24वीं कहानी | विक्रम-बैताल
The Exchanged Heads | Vikram Betal
Devashish went to meet Madhusundari’s parents and asked them for her hand. They readily agreed and soon Devashish was married to Madhusundari.
शेर बनाने का अपराध किसने किया? | 22वीं कहानी | विक्रम-बैताल
Who Made a Large Sacrifice? | Vikram Betal
It was the court of King Roopsen when a man called Birbal introduced himself and asked to be employed as the King's Bodyguard. He even displayed his impressive skills to the court and the King readily agreed to give him the job.
सबसे ज्यादा प्रेम में अंधा कौन था? | 21वीं कहानी | विक्रम-बैताल
यह कहते हुए बेताल ने अपनी कहानी शुरू की -
विशाला नाम की नगरी में पदमनाभ नाम का राजा राज करता था। उसी नगर में अर्थदत्त नाम का एक साहूकार रहता था। अर्थदत्त के अनंगमंजरी नाम की एक सुन्दर कन्या थी। उसका विवाह साहूकार ने एक धनी साहूकार के पुत्र मणिवर्मा के साथ कर दिया। मणिवर्मा पत्नी को बहुत चाहता था, पर पत्नी उसे प्यार नहीं करती थी।
Who is more Noble? The King or the Minister | Vikram Betal
Once upon a time, there was a ruler of the Kingdom of Magadha. One day he went hunting in the forest and lost his way. Instead of coming out, he kept going deeper and deeper into the forest. Suddenly he heard a rustling sound nearby.
बालक क्यों हँसा? | 20वीं कहानी | विक्रम-बैताल
विद्या क्यों नष्ट हो गयी? | 18वीं कहानी | विक्रम-बैताल
पापी कौन? | पहली कहानी | विक्रम-बैताल
काशी में प्रतापमुकुट नाम का राजा राज्य करता था। उसके वज्रमुकुट नाम का एक बेटा था। एक दिन राजकुमार दीवान के लड़के को साथ लेकर शिकार खेलने जंगल गया। घूमते-घूमते उन्हें तालाब मिला। उसके पानी में कमल खिले थे और हंस किलोल कर रहे थे। किनारों पर घने पेड़ थे, जिन पर पक्षी चहचहा रहे थे। दोनों मित्र वहाँ रुक गये और तालाब के पानी में हाथ-मुँह धोकर ऊपर महादेव के मन्दिर पर गये। घोड़ों को उन्होंने मन्दिर के बाहर बाँध दिया।
अधिक साहसी कौन?? | 17वीं कहानी | विक्रम-बैताल
राजा ने तीन दासियों को लड़की को देख आने को कहा। उन्होंने उन्मादिनी को देखा तो उसके रुप पर मुग्ध हो गयीं, लेकिन उन्होंने यह सोचकर कि राजा उसके वश में हो जायेगा, आकर कह दिया कि वह तो कुलक्षिणी है, राजा ने सेठ से इन्कार कर दिया।
Sona's Swayamvar | Vikram Betal
There was a village of Kishannagar where King Rajendra and his queen Prema were living. They had a baby girl after many years of their marriage, which they named Sona. The king was a very noble and kind man.
चोर ज़ोर-ज़ोर से क्यों रोया और फिर हँसा? | चौदहवीं कहानी | विक्रम-बैताल
अपराधी कौन? | 13वीं कहानी | विक्रम-बैताल
और पत्नी मिल जाये, वह घर से निकल पड़ा।
दीवान की मृत्यु क्यूँ? | बारहवीं कहानी | विक्रम-बैताल
Reward For The Gatekeeper | Vikram Betal
Once upon a time there lived a king named Chandrakant. He was not only brave but also very generous. One day, one of the main gate entrance guard from his palace's came to him and told him, “My King! Please alert all the soldiers as soon the enemy's army will attack us."
A Promise Not Kept | Vikram Betal
The story went like this:-
The ruler of Kishanagar had an extremely beautiful daughter, named Sona. As she was the only child, she enjoyed a lot of freedom. She was intelligent, well read and skilled in the use of weapons. When she reached a marriageable age, the king started looking for a suitable partner for her. The princess wanted to marry a man more skilled than her in every respect. So, she asked her father to make an announcement that she would marry only the person who would be able to defeat her in a fight. The king was very proud to hear his daughter’s views and made announcements in every state, inviting princes to his kingdom.