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Showing posts with label Panchatantra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Panchatantra. Show all posts

The Talking Cave | Panchatantra

The King of the jungle, Lion is now old. He was not so quick and sharp as he was in his young age. One time he was wandering in the jungle and he didn't have any food for two days. He was extremely hungry. While wandering he saw a cave and he went inside.

The King thought that he will hide inside the cave and as soon as the cave owner will come, he will eat him.

The Wolf And The Seven Lambs | Panchatantra

There was a goat who was living with her seven lambs. The Goat loves her lambs very much and was very protective of them. Every day, the goat used to go out in search of food while the seven little lambs stayed back at home and waited for her. Every time, before going out the goat warned her lambs to be careful and explained, “There is a bad wolf who lives in the forest. When I am away, he will try to come and eat you. You must not open the door for him. He has a gruff voice and a bushy tail. Open the door only for me and no one else.”

The Pigeons and the Hunter | Panchatantra

Once a flock of pigeon was flying from the top of the forest. It was a beautiful day and the sky was also clear. But it was not like every other day. This time a cruel hunter was waiting to catch the pigeons.

The Hunter had laid a net with rice spread all over it. He knew that the pigeons would definitely come to eat the rice and he can catch them easily. Shortly, a flock of pigeons comes by and start eating the rice and get caught in the net.


The Bird with Two Heads | Panchatantra Story

This story is about a strange bird. The bird was not like the others. He had two heads but only one stomach. One nice day the bird was flying high in the sky, he saw an apple shaped fruit on the bank of the river. He quickly went down and picked up the fruit. The first head was eating the fruit and had no intention of sharing with the other as the fruit was one of the most delicious the bird had ever eaten.
The second head protested, "I am also your brother. Why don't you share this yummy fruit with me too?"

चालाक लोमड़ी और मूर्ख कौआ | पंचतन्त्र

एक जंगल में एक लोमड़ी रहती थी। वो बहुत ही भूखी थी। वह अपनी भूख मिटाने के लिए भोजन की खोज में इधर - उधर घूमने लगी। उसने सारा जंगल छान मारा, जब उसे सारे जंगल में भटकने के बाद भी कुछ न मिला, तो वह गर्मी और भूख से परेशान होकर एक पेड़ के नीचे बैठ गई।

The Priest and The Goat | Panchatantra

There was a religious and devoted Priest in a small village. He was simple and very innocent. One time because of his services he was rewarded with a goat by a wealthy man. The Priest was very happy. He was happily taking the goat over his shoulder and walking towards his home.
On the way, three cheats saw the Priest taking the goat.

The Elephant and the Sparrow | Panchatantra

There was a huge tree in a Forest where a Sparrow Couple was living happily. One of the females laid her Eggs in the nest expecting their NewBorns soon.
One day it was very hot because of the scorching sun. An elephant unable to bear this hear went insane. He started crashing all the trees coming on his way. On his way, he broke the branches of the Tree that supported the nest of the Sparrow Couple. As the Branches fell, so did the Nest and all the newly laid Eggs smashed into the ground. Although the Sparrows managed to escape by flying away, they were heartbroken to see that they had lost the Eggs. The female Sparrow cried loudly.

The Lion and a Clever Fox | Panchatantra

In a dense big forest there lived a Lion. One morning his wife told him that his breath was bad and unpleasant. The lion felt humiliated and angry upon hearing this. He still thought to verify this fact with others. So he called three animals from the same forest outside his cave.


How Peter Saved The Forest | Panchatantra

There was a lion named Alex which was very cruel and greedy. One day he started roaming in the forest and started hurting every animal who was coming on his way. Seeing this, all the animals assembled and decided to offer one animal from each species voluntarily every day to Alex. This way they will be saved for some time and Alex will not hurt everyone on his way.


King Elephant and Hare | Panchatantra

This story starts with a beautiful Jungle where a big Group of Elephants was living happily. They were living near a pond. There came a time when the pond started drying up due to lack of rain for a few years.

Some of the elephants met the king of the elephants Gajraj, and said, "Your Majesty! We do not have any more water. Some of our little ones are on the verge of death. We must find some other place which has abundant water."

The Story of The Blue Jackal | Panchatantra

Once! there lived a Jackal named Chandarava. One day he was very hungry and could not find any food. So, he wandered into a nearby Village in search of Food.

The Dogs in the village saw the Jackal and a group of Dogs surrounded him, barking and attacking with their sharp teeth. The Jackal started running to save itself, but the Dogs chased. In an attempt to flee from the Dogs, he ran into a house, which belonged to a Washerman. There was a big tank of blue dye inside. As he jumped without knowing, his entire body was dyed in blue color. He no longer looked like a Jackal.


चार गहरे मित्र और शिकारी | पंचतन्त्र

एक खूबसूरत जंगल था। वहां पर बहुत सारे पशु पक्षी रहते थे। उसी जंगल में चार दोस्त भी रहते थे। एक कौआ, कछुआ, हिरण और चूहा, यह चारों गहरे मित्र थे।

एक बार जंगल में एक शिकारी आया और उसने पेड़ के नीचे एक जाल बिछा दिया। उसी पेड़ के नीचे से हिरण निकल रहा था। हिरण का पैर उस जाल पर जा लगा और वह उस में फंस गया।


तीन मछलियों की कहानी | पंचतन्त्र

एक समय की बात है एक विशाल जंगल में बहुत ही सुंदर तालाब था। उस तालाब में सुंदर-सुंदर छोटी-बड़ी मछलियां सालों से रह रही थी। उन सारी मछलियों में तीन सुनहरी मछलियां थी, जिनका नाम था अनीता, सुनीता और वनीता। यह तीनों गहरी दोस्त थी और अपने परिवारों के साथ वही पर रहती थी।
