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Showing posts with label TenaliRaman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TenaliRaman. Show all posts

Raman Outwits a Cunning Thief | Raman Outsmarts a Thief | Tenali Tales | Tenali Rama

Once upon a time, Tenali Raman embarked on a long journey. In those days, traveling between cities often meant crossing dense forests on foot. Along the way, he encountered a fellow traveler who seemed anxious.

“This area is notorious for thieves,” the man said nervously. “I fear they might rob me. May I join you on your journey?” Raman, always kind-hearted, agreed without hesitation.

Raman Outsmarts a Thief | Tenali Tales | Tenali Rama

तेनालीराम और सात जूते मारने वाली चाननपुर की चमेली | तेनालीराम

चाननपुर गाँव में चांदकुमारी नाम की एक रूपवती कन्या रहती थी। वह विवाह के योग्य हो गई थी लेकिन अपनी माँ के व्यवहार के कारण उसका विवाह नहीं हो पा रहा था। उसकी माँ का नाम चमेली था जो अपने पति माधो को रोज़ सात जूते मारा करती थी। यह बात दूर-दूर तक के लोगों को पता थी इसलिए कोई भी चांदकुमारी को अपनी बहु नहीं बनाना चाहता था।

तेनालीराम और सात जूते मारने वाली चाननपुर की चमेली | तेनालीराम

Face-Saving Formula | Tenali Raman Story

This story is from the Tenali Raman Collections when a Pahalwaan ( Wrestler ) shows up in Vijayanagara.

The story goes like this. One time, the king of Vijayanagara, Krishnadeva Raya got angry with Tenali Raman and he asked him not to show his face. 

Raman was disappointed and he wanted to win the King's heart back. On the very next morning, Raman was surprised to see a tall, fat man being carried on a chair by four short and stout men. The procession was heading to the palace. “This must be the pahalwan from the north,” thought Raman, who had heard people talking about a strong man from the north.


दिन की दीपावली | तेनालीराम

दीपावली पास थी, राजा कृष्णदेव राय चाहते थे कि इस बार की दीपावली कुछ विशेष हो। इसके लिए चर्चा जोरों पर थी कि क्या किया जाए जो उत्सव यादगार बन जाए। राजपुरोहित ने कहा, "महाराजा, विशाल धार्मिक कथा का आयोजन किया जाए।" एक मंत्री ने कहा- "महाराजा, खेल उत्सव आयोजित करें।" किसी ने कहा- "जादूगरों का करतब रखा जाए।" 

दिन की दीपावली | तेनालीराम |

How Tenali Raman Saved Himself (Outwit the Guards) | Tenali Raman

One time Tenali Raman went to KrishnaDevaRaya, the king of Vijayanagar. He thought he will receive some gifts from the king. Instead, the king got angry with him because he came without an appointment.

The King ordered the two guards to cut off Raman's head with a single stroke from their swords. The guards were always against Raman and wanted to take revenge on him. Hearing this they were very excited.

They took him to the riverfront and tied him to a tree. Then they started sharpening their swords. As one of the guards was about to cut off Raman's head, Raman shouted, "Wait! The King's order was to execute me by both of you together."


Can the Thief steal from Tenali Raman | Tenali Raman Story

This moral short story is about how a Thief tried to rob Tenali Raman and whether he was successful or not.

There was a forest which was very notorious for the thieves. It was known to everyone that if a person will cross from that forest will definitely be attacked by thieves. 
On the other side, Tenali Raman had to start a long journey and on the way, he had to walk through that forest. During the journey when he was inside the forest, another man met him. He was looking a little frightened and said, "I am alone here and I heard that this place is full of thieves. I want to go to another city but I am afraid that the thieves will rob me. Can I tag along with you ?"
Tenali Raman agreed and they continued their journey together.

Can the Thief steal from Tenali Raman | Tenali Raman Story

तेनालीराम के बाग की सिंचाई | तेनालीराम

एक बार विजयनगर में भीषण गर्मी के कारण सूखे की स्थिति पैदा हो गई। राज्य की नदियों-तालाबों का जलस्तर घट जाने के कारण पानी की विकट समस्या खड़ी हो गई। सूखे के कारण नगर के सभी बाग़-बगीचे भी सूखने लगे।

तेनालीराम ने अपने घर के पिछवाड़े एक बाग लगवाया था। वह बाग भी धीरे-धीरे सूखता जा रहा था। उस बाग के बीचो-बीच एक कुआं था, लेकिन उसका भी जलस्तर नीचे चला गया था। परिणामस्वरूप बाग की सिंचाई के लिए कूऐँ से पानी निकलना काफी कठिन था। यदि कुँए के पानी से बाग की सिंचाई कराने के लिए मजदूर भी लगाए जाते तो उसमे काफी धन खर्च होता।

तेनालीराम के बाग की सिंचाई | तेनालीराम

अरबी घोड़े | तेनालीराम

एक बार! महाराज कृष्णदेव राय के दरबार में एक दिन एक अरब प्रदेश का व्यापारी घोड़े बेचने आता है। वह अपने घोड़ो का बखान कर के महाराज कृष्णदेव राय को सारे घोड़े खरीदने के लिए राजी कर लेता है, तथा अपने सारे घोड़े महाराज को बेच जाता है। अब महाराज के घुड़साल में इतने अधिक घोड़े हो जाते हैं कि उन्हें रखने की जगह नहीं बचती, इसलिए महाराज के आदेश पर बहुत से घोड़ों को विजयनगर के आम नागरिकों और राजदरबार के कुछ लोगों को तीन महीने तक देखभाल के लिए दे दिया जाता है। हर एक देखभाल करने वाले को घोड़ों के पालन खर्च और प्रशिक्षण के लिए प्रति माह एक सोने का सिक्का दिया जाता है।

अरबी घोड़े  | तेनालीराम

Tenali Raman and Goddess Kali Encounter | Tenali Raman Story

Tenali Raman had his good days and his bad days. One time he was suffering from a bad cold, his eyes were red with tears coming out, and he had to wipe his nose all the time. His wife gave him hot water with some herbs boiled in it. The drink helped Tenali to get rid of cold within a few hours.

Tenali was happy and relieved. He had his plans to go to Kaali Temple in the evening. His intentions were to pray and get Gold in return with the blessings of Kaali. Although before he left in the evening, his wife gave a small warning, "Don't make jokes there! Pray properly and come with gold".

Tenali Raman and Goddess Kali Encounter | Tenali Raman Story

तेनालीराम की मनपसन्द मिठाई | तेनालीराम

एक बार महाराज, राजपुरोहित और तेनालीराम राज उद्यान में टहल रहे थे कि महाराज बोले, "ऐसी सर्दी में तो खूब खाओ और सेहत बनाओ। वैसे भी इस बार कड़के की ठण्ड पड़ रही हैं। ऐसे में तो मिठाई खाने का मज़ा ही कुछ और हैं।"

मटके में तेनालीराम | तेनालीराम

एक बार महाराज कृष्णदेव राय तेनालीराम से इतने नाराज़ हो गए कि उन्होंने उसे अपनी शक्ल न दिखाने का आदेश दे दिया और कहा, "अगर उसने उनके हुक्म की अवहेलना की तो उसे कोड़े लगायें जाएंगे।"
महाराज उस समय बहुत क्रोधित थे इसलिए तेनालीराम ने वहाँ से जाना ही उचित समझा।

Tenali Raman & The Horse Racing Competition| Tenali Raman Story

One time King Krishnadeveraya's ministers had bought some horses from outside. The horses were not like any other ordinary horses. They were from Arab. From the time horses came, the ministers kept on praising the horses. However, Tenali Raman didn't agree on this. He mentioned that the horses which Vijayanagar has are far more superior to these Arabian horses. The ministers didn't like his statement & challenged Raman to prove this point in a horse race.

The horse race day was decided. All the courtiers put in much effort to train their horses. They fed the horses well to make sure they were strong and sturdy.


दूध न पीने वाली बिल्ली | तेनालीराम

आज हम आप लोगों को तेनाली रमन की एक और प्रसिद्ध कहानी बताने जा रहे हैं। कहानी इस प्रकार है!

एक बार महाराज कृष्णदेव राय ने सुना कि उनके नगर में चूहों ने आतंक फैला रखा है। चूहों से छुटकारा पाने के लिए महाराज ने एक हजार बिल्लियां पालने का निर्णय लिया। महाराज का आदेश होते ही एक हजार बिल्लियां मंगवाई गयी। उन बिल्लियों को नगर के लोगों में बांटा जाना था। जिसे बिल्ली दी गयी उसे साथ में एक गाय भी दी गयी ताकि उसका दूध पिलाकर बिल्ली को पाला जा सके।

Tenali Raman and the Brinjal Curry | Tenali Raman

This story is a one of the famous stories of Tenali Raman. Tenali Raman was one of the eight advisors of Sri Krishna Devaraya and he was very clever and spontaneous too.

The King had a big garden where he had special and very delicious brinjal. The Chef of the emperor prepares the curry from those brinjals and it was King's favorite too. As the brinjal was very rare and delicious, the garden was always under tight security and no one was allowed to view the plants without the emperor’s permission.

Tenali Raman and The Great Pundit | Tenali Raman

Once upon a time, there was a Great Knowledgeable Pundit, who came to visit King Krishna Deva Raya's court. He claimed that he had knowledge of all subjects and he was an expert in every field. He even told King that he is putting an open challenge to every minister and he can defeat everyone.
The King accepted his challenge and told all his ministers to start preparing for this debate.


Most Intelligent Cat | Tenali Raman

One fine day the ministers of King Krishnadevaraya were discussing the intelligence of animals. One of them said, "My cat is the most intelligent cat." Other one got up and said no mine is more intelligent. Soon the discussion heated up and the King had to intervene.

The king announced the competition for finding out who is the most intelligent cat. He said, "One week from now there will be a competition and the cat that does something which no other can do will be declared the winner".


तेनालीराम और पागल व्यक्ति | तेनालीराम

आज हम आप लोगों को तेनाली रमन की एक और प्रसिद्ध कहानी बताने जा रहे हैं। कहानी इस प्रकार है!

एक समय की बात है। तेनाली ने कहीं सुना था कि कोई दुष्ट आदमी साधु का भेष बनाकर लोगों को अपने जाल में फंसा लेता है। उन्हें प्रसाद में धतूरा खिला देता है। यह काम वह उनके शत्रुओं के कहने पर धन के लालच में करता है। धतूरा खाकर कोई तो मर जाता और कोई पागल हो जाता है। उन दिनों भी धतूरे के प्रभाव से एक व्यक्ति पागल होकर नगर कि सड़कों पर घूम रहा था। लेकिन धतूरा खिलाने वाले व्यक्ति के खिलाफ उसके पास कोई प्रमाण नहीं था। इसलिए वह खुले आम सीना तानकर चलता था। तेनालीराम ने सोचा कि ऐसे व्यक्ति को अवश्य दंड मिलना चाहिए।


Tenali Raman and the Weight lifter | Tenali Raman

It was the day when Tenali Raman and his wife were going to Hampi, the capital of Vijayanagara. On the way, they passed a village where the people had gathered outside a temple. Feeling curious they both made their way of pushing the crowd and reached the front.
Tenali saw a Body Builder was exhibiting his strength carrying a huge gunny bag on his left shoulder and twirling his mustache with his right hand.
"You know he is carrying a bag of 500 quintals of rice. He is really strong.", said a man standing next to Tenali. Tenali didn't keep quiet and loudly said, "This is nothing. I can carry a thousand times more weight".

Raman’s cure for hunchback | Tenali Raman

This story is about the time when Tenali Raman was still trying to impress the King.

The King had ordered the guards to execute Tenali. The King told, "He seems to be too clever. Do one thing. Bury him neck deep in the soil so that he cannot move. Then have him crushed by an elephant.”

The guards took Tenali to a far place outside the city. One of the guards dug a deep pit while other was watching Tenali. They both then pushed Tenali into the pit and soon only Tenali's head was visible above the ground.

स्वर्ग कहाँ है | तेनालीराम

आज हम आपके साथ एक और मजेदार तेनालीराम की कहानी शेयर करने जा रहे हैं।

महाराज कृष्णदेव राय अपने बचपन में सुनी कथा अनुसार यह विश्वास करते थे कि संसार-ब्रह्मांड की सबसे उत्तम और मनमोहक जगह स्वर्ग है। एक दिन अचानक महाराज को स्वर्ग देखने की इच्छा उत्पन्न होती है, इसलिए दरबार में उपस्थित मंत्रियों से पूछते हैं, " बताइए स्वर्ग कहाँ है ?"
