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Adventures of Gulliver and Lilliputians | Kid's Bedtime Story

Lemuel Gulliver was a married surgeon from Nottinghamshire, England, and he used to love traveling. He was a surgeon on ships and lands up becoming a ship captain. This is one of the exciting stories from his different voyages.

One stormy night at sea, a ship was wrecked. All the passengers on board drowned, except Gulliver. Gulliver was an excellent swimmer and swam for many miles before he reached the shore. Gulliver was very hungry and tired and decided to sleep as there was no food nearby.

The next morning he woke up. He saw his hands, legs, and body were tied to the ground. He saw little men running near all around him. They were none other than the Lilliputians because the place Gulliver landed was their's called The Lilliput.

Adventures of Gulliver and Lilliputians| Kid's Bedtime Story

तेनालीराम की मनपसन्द मिठाई | तेनालीराम

एक बार महाराज, राजपुरोहित और तेनालीराम राज उद्यान में टहल रहे थे कि महाराज बोले, "ऐसी सर्दी में तो खूब खाओ और सेहत बनाओ। वैसे भी इस बार कड़के की ठण्ड पड़ रही हैं। ऐसे में तो मिठाई खाने का मज़ा ही कुछ और हैं।"

कबीर दास जी के दोहे! | Kabir Das Dohe #6

दोहा 1 - 
जो उग्या सो अन्तबै, फूल्या सो कुमलाहीं।
जो चिनिया सो ढही पड़े, जो आया सो जाहीं।।

कबीर कहना चाहते हैं - 
इस संसार का नियम यही है कि जो उदय हुआ है,वह अस्त होगा। जो विकसित हुआ है वह मुरझा जाएगा। जो चिना गया है वह गिर पड़ेगा और जो आया है वह जाएगा।

कबीर दास जी के दोहे! | Kabir Das Dohe #6 |

The Thief and the Brahmins | Panchatantra Story

This is a story about 4 Brahmins and another Thief who is also a Brahmin, from Panchatantra Collection.
One day those four Brahmins arrived in a town from a far-off place, to sell some crafts. They had a successful business and earned a handful of money. This is the same town where the Thief also lived. The thief got to know about the Brahmins and he started watching the brahmins making money. Soon he thought of a plan for stealing this money.

The Thief and the Brahmins | Panchatantra Story